Award           Player          

The Gretzky     Michael Heung   Goals leader with 11

The Oates       Michael Heung   Assists leader with 9

The Puck Hog    Michael Heung   Points leader with 20

Lady Bing       Dan Smith       (0 penalty minutes)

Chuck Norris    Matt Zahn       (42 penalty minutes)

Tie Domi        Marty Myrkanen  (most likely to start a fight with the refs)    

Houdini award   Dave Diem       (least games played)    

Alex Ovechkin   Jong Jae Yoo    (prettiest goal award) 

Happy Gilmore   Noah Allor      (ugliest goal award)  

Brett Hull      Joe Colter      (playing while injured)    

Hamburglar/Grimace    Mark Lowell     (most weight lost in a single season)