We have finally managed to come up with a date to hold our season end (and season beginning) BBQ for the Icemen. We all recognize that not everyone will be able to attend, but feel free to come by even if it is just for an hour or two.

Date: Sunday July 19, 2009
Time: 4:00pm - ?
Location: Mike Heung's house
2772 Walnut Ridge Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Near Maple and Miller and M14,
Across the street from the new A2 high school.

- Everyone is welcome, please bring your family (wives, girlfriends, etc.) note: for your own enjoyment, please limit yourself to one wife and/or girlfriend.
- By all means, please bring your kids as well.
- Food will be provided (hotdogs, hamburgers, snacks), we will also provide pop (soda's for you Americans), and juice for the kids.
- If anyone would like to bring salads or desserts, please let me know.
- I will also pick up some veggie patties, just let me know how many you need so I don't run out.
- B.Y.O.B.

Please RSVP with an approximate number of attendee's from your family so that I can purchase food accordingly.

See you Sunday !!!