FYI....... the schedule has not been posted yet, but our first game is tentatively scheduled for July 7th (I will keep you updated).

Unless the roster changes after I send this email (and it always does) we are looking at $180.00 each. Please arrange to make your payments on the 1st or 2nd game ...... early payments are always accepted :)

Talk to me before you write your cheque to find out if it is payable to me or to the cube. After the deposit is covered, everyone else should make their cheques out to A2Ice3.

(note to Tim) "Cheques" is spelled correctly




After the humiliating game seven loss to the Pittsburgh Penguins.........(you guys saw that game right?)....., the Red Wings have decided to dump some dead weight from their roster in the hopes of picking up some fresh talent for next season. And fortunately for the Icemen, their loss in our gain. Joining us from the big leagues for the summer season are (in no particular order):

1) Sean "Pot 'O Gold" Murphy

2) George "The Sniper" Hornberger (also played a few games with the Beer Belly squad)

3) Neal "Hail Mary" Boudette 

****** nick-names subject to change after the first game*****

See you next week.

