The children are our future...Up and coming IceMen to carry on the legacy.

Future Ice Man, Connor William Ostrowski. If he isn't playing for the Red Wings of course!!  DOB: 12-28-16 8lbs 4oz 20in

Owen Seauvageau • Eldest of the 'Terrible Triplets' line and already faster than many of the IceMen Wingers. 

Noah Seauvageau • Youngest of the 'Terrible Triplets' line and the enforcer of the family.  Don't let the grin fool you!

Brady Seauvageau • Winger of the 'Terrible Triplets' line, specializes in the sneaky chop made famous by his Dad Ryan.

Triple J (JJ Jr) • Future star rover excelling in end to end wrap-arounds.  You can't stop him, you can only hope to contain him.


Tyger Ferrel • Reported to shoot harder than his Father using a goalie stick and one hand (called the M-80).

Kieran Heung • Since he was 3 years old his father Mike has not been able to put a single ball or puck past him.

Aidan 'Tiny' Drain • A 3 year old righty with a wicked googly.  He will probably score more goals from just the face-off than the IceMen Wingers combined...

Laney 'In Your Face' Puckett • Future Defensewomen, shoots left but throws right like her old man.  Hockey hero is Tim 'Dr Hook' McCracken from the Syracuse BullDogs!


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