5/5/12 Tragedy struck the IceMen as TWO guys had to be assisted off the ice.  Mike with an ankle (rumor has it he was trying to get out of his checking penalty) and Ryan with a slight knee issue:

JJ took 6 against the IceOTopes on 10/15/11: 

Noah with the mother of all injuries, double broken tibia on 9/13/11:

8/10/11  Jimmy hit Tim with a slapshot... 

7/9/11  Jeff injured Tim's leg with a crushing open ice check.

6/15/11  Slight first degree burns on stick and gloves from running through the streets of Vancouver. 

4/12/11 A hat trick!  Jeff received a finger contusion, beer elbow (tendonitis) and a puck to the upper chest

8/17/10  Jeff almost taking a shot to the face on video:

Jeff vid.mp4 Jeff vid.mp4
Size : 1.459 Kb
Type : mp4

3/19/10  Noah getting knocked cold with a 'D League Hit' (2 guys not looking where they are going collide)

7/27/10  Ed left the game from a blocked shot, lost feeling in the leg (think it was a backhand pass)

6/23/10  Jeff groin injury because he didn't wear his knee brace correctly.

4/20/10  Eddie's Reebok pump blew a tire

4/13/10  Mike hurt his back, had to have his wife put his socks on....

4/7/10   Matt hurt something, out for the Spring season.

2/20/10  Ryan substituted with a few board flavored ribs.  Honorable mention is John blocking a shot with his melon.

2/16/10  No injury this week - a quick list to draw from for the future:

Hobo bite

Single Knee Injury

Double Knee Injury

Two knees and an ankle


Facial laceration

Severe cramp


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