Weekly words of wisdom from the HackMaster™

"See Timmy, no penalties tonight!" - "Yeah because you do not have your game legs back yet and you were too far out of the play to be noticed..."  1/5/13

"Tank might be able to catch me (in penalty points) while I am in Europe for a few weeks"  4/12/11

Ferkus to JJ: 'If you are going to hack like that, don't use a neon yellow stick with white gloves, try and blend in a little bit'   7/7/10

'That is going to leave a mark'  4/7/10 as Matt hurt himself so bad he had to bail on the Spring season

'The most exciting part of the game was watching to see if Matt could catch him'  Andy about Matt 3/17/10

'An elbow or stick in the back is legit!'  3/13/10

'I don't slash that much'  2/20/10

"The new stick is lighter so I can be quicker with the hook and slash" 12/16/09

"I takes a lot of practice to be able to interfere with someone and not get a penalty....at this point I'm still practicing"  Matt's post game analysis Oct. 27, 2009

"It's not a cross check if you only hit them with your hands" Matt's locker room post-game analysis October 13, 2009

"Anything you say shouldn't be held against you until you have sat down in the penalty box"  9/8/09  ***Jeff substituting for Matt

"You have to fall too, then you won't get a penalty"  6/23/09

"You have to drift by them and then jab them behind the knee inconspicuously like"  6/9/09

"Always assume you will not get a penalty for that"  5/30/09

"The new stick is darker to camouflage against opposing players jerseys"  5/19/09

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